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Points of Unity

Shared principles of the Marxist Workers Group


The Marxist Workers Group (MWG) supports the expropriation of the key levers of the economy (banks, large corporations, and infrastructure) under democratic workers’ control.


The MWG supports any reform that improves conditions for the working class and oppressed, as a means to an end of building toward the revolutionary overthrow of capitalism and establishment of a workers’ state. We view parliaments as a potential venue for socialists to spread our views, while recognizing that Canada’s “democratic” institutions are tools of the capitalist ruling class and cannot simply be reappropriated for use by the working class.

Class Independence

The MWG stands for the complete political independence of the working class; i.e., we don’t vote, endorse, or campaign for any capitalist parties or nominally “left” or “labour” party that tied itself to the establishment or is administering the capitalist state. We rely only on workers’ self-activity to solve problems, not the police, courts, or capitalist-funded non-governmental organizations (NGOs).


The MWG strives toward a dialectical materialist analysis for understanding the world and developing revolutionary strategy.


The MWG aims to prepare the foundations for a vanguard party; i.e., a party with a common program, central publication, democratic structures, and party discipline, that channels the most class-conscious and self-sacrificing layers of the working class into a cohesive force. We do this without substituting ourselves as “the vanguard” or trying to imitate every facet of the vanguard party in miniature.


The MWG actively combats all forms of oppression, including racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia, and ableism. We aim to develop deep roots in anti-oppression movements while emphasizing the need for class independence and solidarity across the oppressed and exploited.


The MWG opposes all imperialist maneuvers by the Canadian government and its allies, including military actions, weapons shipments, and sanctions. We support oppressed nations’ right of self-determination, including the right to secession and the right to defend themselves against imperialist aggression.

Class Struggle Unionism

The MWG supports trade unions as vehicles for class struggle with maximum democracy and transparency, while opposing all concessionary contracts, attacks on labour rights, and the use of binding arbitration. We aim to build militant traditions such as hard picket lines and solidarity strikes, and do not support police or other armed state officials in the labour movement, recognizing them as enforcers for the class enemy.


The MWG views its interests as no different from the interests of the working class as a whole, and therefore strives to be an asset to labour and social movements while collaborating with like-minded groups in areas of strategic agreement.

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